It's Fall
- POSTED ON: Oct 04, 2011


The Fall season has started here in Central California.
The weather is getting cooler,
Days are getting shorter,
and the leaves are beginning to turn and fall from the trees.

Fall brings many changes,
but my commitment to maintain my weight loss isn't one of them.

I continue.

Minute by Minute
Hour by Hour
Day by Day
Week by Week
Month by Month

Some would say,  "It should be easier
after consistently following this behavior
for a 7 year period.

Possibly it should be.
But it's not.
And That's Okay.

- POSTED ON: Sep 30, 2011

Many of the posts in various diet forums
deal with the subject of Bingeing.
Recently, in one such discussion,
one of the members asked other forum members this question

“Have you ever examined when the binges occur,
what feelings you have before the binge?
I mean, have you ever considered they may be
a reaction or an acting-out to something other than food restriction?
I ask this because bingeing can be a form of self-expression.”

 As a person who has struggled with a lifetime of bingeing,
I agree with the above quote, however...
I have spent MORE than 20 years in therapy dealing with this issue,
and the feelings surrounding it.

This made me feel much better about it,
and gave me emotional tools that have very helpful in my life.
BU FRANKLY all of that Therapy... plus the many, many self-help books,
and eating disorder tactics like Intuitive Eating
did little or nothing to reduce or eliminate binging.

 Recently I began seriously considering
the possibility that my binges MIGHT well be a
"reaction to something other than food restriction".

MAYBE it isn't basically a psychological problem.
MAYBE it IS REALLY a physical reaction to the way the chemicals
in some of the specific kinds of foods that I eat interact with my own body.

I don't know.
I'm experimenting with that possibility right now.

It's Monday Again
- POSTED ON: Sep 26, 2011



It's Monday Again.

They come every week.
...right after Sunday

A new day.

A fresh start.

I am energized once again
to work at eating only the amount

that my body needs to maintain it's current weight
...or maybe to lose some of it.

Funny how that happens.

- POSTED ON: Sep 25, 2011

Commitment is sticking with something,
long after the mood you were in when you made it,
leaves you.

Commitment is what
transforms a promise into reality.

Words speak boldly of our intentions.
But our Actions speak far louder than our words.

is making the time when there is none.
Performing the action when you’d rather not.
Coming through
time after time, after time, year after year, after year.

Commitment is the stuff character is made of;
it’s the power to change things.

It is the daily triumph of the positive over the negative...
….of Trust over doubt and fear.

Lacking Inspiration?
- POSTED ON: Sep 24, 2011


Lacking Inspiration?

Me too !!!
There are days when I don't feel particularly inspired.
The main thing I have to say is
that I don't feel a need to say much today.

Is that a bad thing?
I don't think so.

For those who are following my “Ask Grandma” videos
click to see my latest one: “ My Mother Doesn't Love Me
which is located in DietHobby under RESOURCES, Videos, Ask Grandma.

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