Scrapbooking on DietHobby
- POSTED ON: Jul 13, 2014

On DietHobby, I post whenever I feel like it. 
Sometimes once a day, and sometimes less frequently.

My posts are all Diet-Related, and they consist of anything that I'm in the mood to share. Sometimes this is merely a picture; sometimes it's a long article; sometimes a video.

Every post becomes part of my DietHobby Scrapbook.

All posts are Timeless, and browsing through the DietHobby ARCHIVES provides ongoing inspiration, and reminds me of the Truths I've discovered about dieting and diets and myself.

Recently, I've posted lots of inspirational pictures rather than lengthy articles. This is because:

(1)  I haven't come across any new dieting ideas that I want to add to my Scrapbook here.

(2)  I've been spending lots of time writing on various forums that I frequent.

Right now, I'm in the middle of one of my diet experiments. As usual, my choice is to NOT write these while they are ongoing. Perhaps someday, down the road, I'll share about this one, but for now, all I'll say is, at present, everything is going well.

 It's all Good!

Somthing Amazing
- POSTED ON: Jul 09, 2014


See Video Below 


Independence Day - 2014
- POSTED ON: Jul 04, 2014


Today I declare my Independence from Excess Food. 

I am the Expert on Me, and my personal eating choices are up to Me. 
I am totally responsible for those choices because it is my Path and my Life.

Today my choice is to eat at mealtimes only,
and to take tiny, dainty bites from small portions of foods that I find delicious and delectable.
I will also enter everything in my individual computer food journal

Examples of
a tiny, dainty bite.




Beach Body
- POSTED ON: Jun 08, 2014

- POSTED ON: Apr 30, 2014


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DietHobby is a Digital Scrapbook of my personal experience in weight-loss-and-maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all. Every diet works for Someone, but no diet works for Everyone.
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Mar 01, 2021
DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook.
2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.

Jun 01, 2020
DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website.
DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.

May 01, 2017
DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly.
Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.