Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude - POSTED ON: Feb 25, 2011
The construction of DietHobby website has been completed, and today I feel very grateful for the opportunity to share myself and my lifestyle here.
Thanks to my son-the-web-genius for his hard work and creative talent; Thanks to my husband who has patiently tolerated the (temporary) disturbance in his routine; and Thanks to each of you for coming here and participating in this adventure. I am grateful to the Universe, and to you.
I googled the words ‘Gratitude’ and ‘Thank You’ in an effort to find some special words, some special way to say Thank you. Mostly what I found were quotes on how important it is to be grateful and to say Thank you. Like….”Let’s be Grateful.”
I already knew that. Why would I even be interested in finding words of gratitude unless I was feeling grateful?
One site wouldn’t let me see ‘Thank You’ and ‘Gratitude’ quotes unless I gave them my cell phone number. What’s that all about? I left without any quotes. I did not give it my Thanks nor my cell phone number.
So I didn’t find what I was looking for. But here is a quote that I liked:
“If you haven’t all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don’t have that you wouldn’t want.”
I wrote this article in Word, and when I went to DietHobby to post it, I discovered that the advertisements are now up and running. My son and I had issues about this concept because I didn’t want any ads. However, we arrived at a compromise, with my agreement to allow Google to place one “banner type” ad at the bottom of the page, and one block add at the bottom of the right side of the page. The site owner has no choice in the ad selections.
You might be amused to know that when I explained my personal aversion to ads to my son, I told him that as an example, I didn’t want to see Jillian’s belly at DietHobby. But, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my site would actually ATTRACT her ads, ….AND even IN COLOR. Evidentially each site page has different ads. You can imagine the surprise and other emotions I felt when coming to this site and seeing her ads here for the first time. That visit I went from page to page and counted six Jillian ads on the different pages here...SIX !!! I often watch The Biggest Loser, but her training style is not my personal choice. Of course, MY belly wasn't firm and flat like that even when I was 16 years old. I understand that these ads are on some type of rotation and that they will greatly vary from time to time. I've actually never paid much attention to that factor in my online travels.
Well...I promised to give ads a try, perhaps I’ll become accustomed to seeing them, who knows, My philosophy is that each of us is an Experiment-of-one, and there are many different paths that people can follow, so perhaps a few of these random ads will be helpful to some.
Anyway, despite my initial surprise, I am maintaining my attitude of gratitude. Personally I’m going to do my best to ignore the ads, and I hope you will feel free to do the same.
When Life Takes You In A Different Direction. - POSTED ON: Feb 23, 2011
When life takes you in a different direction than the one you originally chose. You can fight against life, and keep trying to go toward what s no longer available to you,
Or you can pause to observe your new direction, Take a good long look; take it all in; Look for the positives in that new path, and learn to accept and enjoy the process of traveling.
With dieting, it can all be about just enjoying the process. If you can find a way to make that process enjoyable, so that it isn’t just one big exercise of self-denial and self-depravation, you can make dieting a lifestyle that works for you.I’m doing that with DietHobby.
In an earlier post I told you about a video my son made of meinforming people about the DietHobby Book Discussion on Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes here on BOOKTALK
Today it went up on YouTube, and here it is.
You Can Choose to Think Differently. - POSTED ON: Feb 22, 2011
Someone who is still Fat recently told me that they didn't want Thoughts about Weight/Food/Exercise to "Rule their Life".
I had no way to Help them toward that Goal of Mindlessness, because Thoughts about Weight/Food/Exercise have ALWAYS "Ruled MY Life."
I did not spend any less time Thinking about those issues when I was Fat than I do now. The difference is that when I was Fat my Thoughts were not accompanied by Action, while during my weight-loss period ...and now inside Maintenance... my Thoughts about those issues are now more positive and productive.
I frequently hear things like: “I don’t want to THINK about my eating.” “I don’t want to be obsessed with thoughts of food.”
Terms like Diet Mentality or Diet Head are commonly usedto denote the negative feelings people have abouttheir need to monitor their eating behavior for weight-control. All of us tend to seek the easier, softer way. and almost all Diets promise us one. Dieting is treated as a matter of “get in…get out”.Find the problem..fix it. ..and then “get on with your life:. which implies that once you’ve remedied the problemthat you can “leave it behind”.
Most diet book authors tell us that they have faced a weight problemeither themselves personally or as medical professionals, …sometimes both………and that they have found a solution, and they are writing that book to tell you what it is.
Perhaps they are writing for their own personal fulfillment or perhaps for financial profit. Still, they want to tell you what to do to FIX your problem. …and in the dieting world, fixing your problem means getting rid of fat.
Do you have a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual problem? No matter, despite the source, or the reason…. A Solution is promised. A Solution is the answer to a problem. A Solution resolves, finalizes, and eliminates the problem.
But Life IS continuous. The end of life is Death. And eating will always be a major part of life, whether or not eating is a thoughtful conscious process.
The dieting promises of a “Solution” are illusory. The Goal of getting thin and arriving at a place where eating is primarily “unconscious”.is an very ineffective goal, because for a reduced obese person,unconscious eating invariably results in fat gain.
I’ve replaced that Goal with one less impracticable.My current Goal is to continue putting forth the consistent effort that it takes to maintain my weight-loss.This means I plan to keep using my mind to control my body’s food-intake.
I choose to think Differently about the dieting process. I don’t use negative terms like Diet Mentality and Diet Head. I’ve chosen to make all those issues part of a positive DietHobby. I changed my mind…from negative to positive.
A Peek Into My Life - POSTED ON: Feb 20, 2011
The focus of DietHobby is the various aspects of Dieting. However, since DietHobby is my site, participating here makes you one of my online friends, so occasionally I plan to share a bit of introductory personal information.
This is one of these times.
Here’s picture of me with my husband at our wedding. FYI: I spent more than 6 months on a medically-supervised liquid diet to drop down to 150 lbs, in order to fit into my wedding dress, but I still think it was worth it.
We’ve been together now for almost 30 years, and I’m still very fond of him. Here is a recent picture of us, and the card he gave me on Valentine’s day.
I have an adult daughter, an adult son, and an adult step-son, who are now in their 30s and 40s, but my mind still sees my son and my daughter like this.
I'm an Attorney, retired after 25 years of Practicing Family Law. Here are pictures of my sign and former office.
FYI - I probably weighed somewhere in the 180s in this office picture.
When the construction on this DietHobby site is completed, there will be a gallery, where I intend to occasionally post relevant photographs – hopefully most of them on interesting topics.
Enough for personal details. I look forward to sharing the adventure of DietHobby with you.
Setting a Goal Weight Range - POSTED ON: Feb 20, 2011
During my weight-loss phase, I participated in a diet forum of people who posted daily weights. Observing the behavior of the others provided me with extremely helpful information. When I neared my goal weight, I decided that it was important for me to set specific Goal weights, and to make them extremely VISUAL.
So I created this Weight Maintenance Chart,
which turned out to be a very successful way to BURN specific goal-weight-range numbers into my mind and heart.
Many people have asked me how and why I chose these particular numbers, for these specific categories. My "creative" thought process went this way....
Over time, I’d learned that my body weight tends to bounce around quite a bit due to salt/water/waste issues. Three pound gains and losses are frequent. Five pound deviations are not unusual. After a 3 day vacation I can have an 8 to 10 lb up-bounce, most of which recedes after a week of eating carefully. Due to this, I decided to set myself a 10-lb maintenance weight range.
At a height of 5’0”, the "Expert" Charts said my "Healthy Weight Range" was between 95 and 128 lbs, and specifically gave 110 lbs as the most "Healthy" weight for my height and bone-structure. I chose the specific numbers from within that range which were meaningful to me.
I set my permanent Goal weight number as 115 lbs. and decided that more than 5 lbs above that number was unacceptable. Therefore I set the 4 lbs above 115 as a “lose weight” area.
I knew that, due to my love of food, dropping too far beneath my goal weight would never be a problem, however, I watched one of my 5'0" forum members, who was maintaining between 110 and 100 lbs, be continually hassled by her family and by other forum members who were worried she was going to “develop Anexoria” and allow her weight to drop too low. My own family also began making occasional remarks like: “when will you decide to stop dieting?” So I decided to clarify my entire position by setting limits for my bottom weight,as well as limits for my top weight.
The Charts singled 110 out as the ideal number for me,and my lifetime secret fantasy was to weigh 105 lbs. So I decided to set my 10 lb maintenance range between 115 and 105 lbs,. which placed 110 lbs at the mid-point of my range.
Even the positioning of my numbers have Meaning. English is read from left to right, which means thatleft is where one has been, and right is where one is going. I put my high numbers on the left and my low numbers on the right. because the high weight is my past, and the low weight is my future,
The bottom numbers of the "Healthy" Chart were 99-95 lbs so I set this 4 lb range as a "gain weight" area.
Any weight below my "gain weight area" (less than 95 lbs) is a weight that is Totally Unacceptable to me.
Any weight above my "lose weight area" (more than 119 lbs) is a weight that is Totally Unacceptable to me.
The colors I chose also have meaning for me.
Blue for the Maintenance area, because it's my favorite color. Green for the Acceptably lower area... like Go, it's okay. Red for the Lose and Gain Weight Danger or Stop. Black for outside the high and low Outer Darkness.
I put all of that information into a small Chart to make it Highly Visual. I did this primarily to firmly fix my goals in my mind, but found that this also made it easy to share the details of my plan with others. During the past 5 years, this chart has proven to be a very effective tool.
My goal is to make DietHobby an interesting and informative place, rather than a boring monologue about myself.
That said...... Here's a picture of my cat, Boodie.
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.