My own Accountability - POSTED ON: Mar 11, 2011
While it is true that many people get tired of calorie counting, and many people don't manage to continue calorie counting under stress, this is not ALWAYS the case.
For example, in my own case, for the past six and a half years I have continued to consistently log ALL of my food into my computer software food log, DietPower, EVERY SINGLE DAY, and this program counts the calories and other nutritional values of that food. That computer program says that today is the 2364th day without any missing data.
This does NOT mean that I never overate or never binged during the past six years, It merely means that I ALWAYS entered ALL of my food into the journal. It became, and is, a HABIT.
This is the principle of ACCOUNTABILITY. I am accountable for every bite I eat.... even on vacation days, sick days, stress days. NO MATTER HOW HIGH MY FOOD-INTAKE, I LOG IT. This has provided me with long-term success.
My life has not been stress-free during this process. I have all of the ongoing NORMAL stresses of life, both good and bad, and I have also had some EXCEPTIONAL stressing circumstances. I'm going to list some of them below, not to show myself as a "victim", but as an example of the stress one can go through while successfully counting calories.
For Example:
I have two unmarried adult children. During my weight-loss phase, my son was severely burned in a fire, and spent over a month in a hospital burn unit in severe pain, receiving skin graphs.
During my maintenance-phase, my daughter was in the hospital in a coma, and upon physical recovery spent long periods in mental health facilities, which resulted in long-term disability SSI, making her mother (me) the one responsible for handling her ongoing income.
During my weight-loss phase, I was responsible for my aging mother, who had Alzheimer's, and was the one who had to place her in a facility, visit her daily, advocate for her, and witness her death.
During my maintenance phase, my father-in-law died; we were forced to place my disabled mother-in-law into a nursing home, where she was visited frequently until her death, about 6 months ago.
During my maintenance phase, the nephew with whom I had a close relationship, became a Marine, and spent a tour in Iraq, and after coming home safely, spent another tour in Afghanistan, which resulted in his receiving two purple hearts.
During the past 5 years of my maintenance phase, my husband has had eye surgery twice, as well as another unrelated surgery. My best friend for the past 25 years, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and I spent time with her almost every day until she died 5 months later.Other beloved family members have also dealt with severe illness. During my maintenance phase, three years ago, I developed a life-threatening medical condition, which resulted in emergency surgery and hospitalization for 10 days. During this time I lived on IV's, and was unable to log my food, but as soon as I was released from the hospital and returned home, I logged in estimates of the amounts of all the liquid food I received, during that past 10 days, and continued with my ongoing food entries.
During the past 6 years, I have also had numerous vacations, holidays, and celebrations...all involving food. I overate during many of those occasions,but NO MATTER HOW MUCH I ATE, I LOGGED IT ALL.
And So Life Goes. During that time, I also brushed my teeth, combed my hair, got dressed daily, and used the toilet when necessary. I prioritize entering my food into my computer journal as equal to, or more important than, those activities.
I know for a fact that one CAN develop a HABIT of counting calories; and I know for a fact that one CAN continue counting calories under stress; and the truth is, IT ISN'T ALL THAT DIFFICULT. Except to my family and friends, I'm not all that Special, and I think that there is a very good chance that this is something ANYONE can do, IF THEY DECIDE TO.
Video Shoot - POSTED ON: Mar 09, 2011
I am following through with the plan to make informative and entertaining Videos for this site by taking the steps that are necessary to accomplish that. My new equipment arrived on Friday, and I spent the weekend familiarizing myself with it. This process included learning how to use a Mac computer, and until last Friday afternoon, I’d never touched one.
Previously, my computer experience has all been with Windows. I also am now learning how to operate a movie-camera… which I now understand, is an old fashioned term, and “camcorder” is the operative word.
I’m new to the Mac computer, and I’m also new at video recording. As I shared previously, I seldom even remember to take photos on vacation, and I can barely operate the DVR installed by the cable company. But I can still learn, and I’m working hard to do so.
Yesterday was my tutorial on making videos. My son spent the day at my house providing me with hands-on instructions for each long and complicated step
The cooking video posted below is the result of that process.
An Endless Struggle - POSTED ON: Mar 08, 2011
The following quote states a common point of view frequently heard within weight-loss circles.
“Our bodies have a better idea of what ideal is for us than our brains do. There’s no point in dieting down to one’s “ideal” weight, because it will always be a struggle to maintain it.”
That quote SOUNDS like wisdom, and it might apply to the bodies of "Normal" people who have just put on a "bit of weight". However, it does not apply to the body of a "Reduced Obese" person, A "Reduced Obese" person's body will continue to want to be Obese. Almost every "Reduced Obese" person will always have to struggle to maintain even a 10% weight loss.
In my own case, both before, and after, my WLS 18 years ago, even when weighing in the 190s, it was a struggle for me to maintain my weight. In fact....although of course I eat less here at my 115 lb goal weight, than I did when weighing 190 lbs,.... the intensity of my struggle with my body to keep from gaining is about the same.
My own viewpoint about working toward one’s ideal goal weight is that since I'm going to have to intensely struggle with my body to maintain my weight, in order to weigh less than 200 plus pounds, I might as well do it from inside the weight range that is normal for my 5'0" height.
Since the Struggle is Endless, I choose to be Thin...a "normal" weight... instead of Fat, during my Struggle.
Normal, Overweight, or Obese? - POSTED ON: Mar 07, 2011
My Height is 5' 0", and my highest weight was 271 lbs. I don't know how tall you are, but for me, OBESITY STARTS at 154 lbs, and OVERWEIGHT STARTS at 129 lbs.
To be only OVERWEIGHT at 200 lbs, one would have to be 5' 11" tall. For a 5' 11" female, 200 lbs is just inside the OVERWEIGHT category, and only 1 lb below the Low Border of OBESITY.
Here is a Chart I made, based on the BMI percentages, showing the High Borders of Normal weight, and the Low Borders of Overweight, and Obesity.
Tracking Weight - POSTED ON: Mar 05, 2011
Weight tracking is a helpful tool to use when involved in the task of losing weight or maintaining a weight-loss. The scale is a measurement tool. It weighs everything within one’s body.
Ultimately, however, scale weight will…over time…accurately reflect the RESULTS of one’s eating BEHAVIOR. I add the caution…over time…because there are many variables that affect a person’s daily scale weight. You can read more about that in "What About the Scales?" and "The Scale and the Big Picture".
I have found that Graphing or charting weight over time can help bring perspective and patience to my weight-loss or maintenance process. As an example of how this works, I’ll share with you some current graphs showing my own weight progress.
1. Here is a WeightChart graphing my DAILY weight for the last 20 months.
2. Here is a WeightChart graphing my WEEKLY weight for the last 20 months 3. Here is a WeightChart graphing my MONTHLY weight for the last 20 months
These graphs are all from a charting program called WeightChart, and all of them use exactly same weights over the same 20 month time period. The Results are actually all the same. However my Efforts are reflected far more accurately in the daily graph than in the monthly graph, or even in the weekly graph.
Here is similar information using the graphing function of DietPower. Except that here the time period is for the past 12 months, a one year period.
1. Here is a DietPower graph of my DAILY Weight for the past 12 months.
2. Here is a DietPower graph of my WEEKLY Weight for the past 12 months.
3. Here is a DietPower graph of my MONTHLY Weight for the past 12 months.
Below are 3 graphs from three separate Graphing programs showing my DAILY weights for the last 90 day period.
This First daily graph is from DietPower for the past 90 days.
This Second daily graph is from Weight Commander for the past 90 days.
This Third daily graph is from Weight Physics for the past 90 days. What all these 90 day charts show is:
This is a typical example of the way my personal maintenance works. My Focus must be on my BEHAVIOR, not on my RESULTS because it is Behavior that CAUSES Results.
I am Responsible for my Efforts, which are my Behaviors, my food-intake and exercise. I am not Responsible for my Results, which is my Outcome, the timing of the numbers on the scale.
While my scale results should not be my FOCUS, it is important to know those numbers. When I look at my scale weight graphed over time, I can accurately judge whether or not my eating Behavior is bringing me my intended Results. An accurate picture of my Results keeps me out of Denial, and gives me the option of modifying my eating behavior in order to achieve different and more positive results. While I cannot control my Results, I do have the ability to choose to control my Behavior.
Tracking weight by graph is an excellent way to obtain knowledge about our Results, without losing perspective when we have those inevitable weight-bounces. When the scale number is up, many of us feel sad or angry and tend to comfort ourselves with food. When the scale number is down, many of us feel elated and tend to reward ourselves with food. The habit of graphing scale weights can help prevent us from emotional eating responses at the sight of individual scale numbers.
Every chart I have included here accurately reflects the same information….although for different time periods. However, I find that, when carefully studied, each separate chart gives me a slightly different perspective on my Scale Results. …and indirectly, on my eating behaviors.
What I personally like about running several charts at a time, (which is part of my own Dieting Hobby) is I can almost always find something encouraging about my results in at least one of them. I don’t find the process difficult or time-consuming. It takes me only a few minutes each day. The secret to success here is exactly the same as the secret to successful weight-loss … Persistence, Consistency and Patience .
I have never found weight-loss and maintenance of that weight-loss to be easy. For me, it has always been a challenge, but I’ve learned ways to enjoy myself while following through with the effort it takes. Like the saying on my Chart at the top of the page ABOUT ME ,
Being fat is hard, Losing weight is hard, Maintaining weight loss is hard. Choose your hard
BTW, there are many links on the ABOUT ME page which provide pictures and charts of my weight-loss history. By accessing them, you can probably learn more about me than you would ever care to know.
Here is a picture of a friend’s DietPower chart which shows how tracking one’s daily weight, (Results) and tracking one’s daily calories (Efforts) relate to each other.
Weight History equals Results. Calorie History equals Efforts.
Tracking one’s weight is a good thing, and it helps bring perspective. But I never forget that my Behavior -- my Effort -- is the key to my weight-loss and maintenance success, therefore DietPower’s Food Tracking function is far more important to me than the weight tracking function of DietPower or any other tracking or graphing program,
Mar 01, 2021 DietHobby: A Digital Scrapbook. 2000+ Blogs and 500+ Videos in DietHobby reflect my personal experience in weight-loss and maintenance. One-size-doesn't-fit-all, and I address many ways-of-eating whenever they become interesting or applicable to me.
Jun 01, 2020 DietHobby is my Personal Blog Website. DietHobby sells nothing; posts no advertisements; accepts no contributions. It does not recommend or endorse any specific diets, ways-of-eating, lifestyles, supplements, foods, products, activities, or memberships.
May 01, 2017 DietHobby is Mobile-Friendly. Technical changes! It is now easier to view DietHobby on iPhones and other mobile devices.